Dear Mummy, 2015 is ending in a few hours time.
(just typing the line above is getting quite emotional for me)
I still think it is a Happy 2015.
You are freed from all sufferings after all in May 2015,
and it is undeniable you had led a fantastic life.
Last year this time, I was juggling between confinement
and worrying about you.
It was extremely emotional and many days of
confinement was spent crying.
Double whammy.
Life is led by how we want to lead,
being positive and always happy is what I want it to be.
Because that is how Papa and you taught us to.
So yes, it was a happy and fantastic 2015.
You had some precious moments with Ollie.
We spent countless precious moments together.
And you are forever in our hearts and minds.
Every time I am enjoying,
you are in my mind,
for the good.
Because I know this should be the way!
Lots Love Mummy.