Sunday, June 3, 2012

Slowing Down - The Power of Less

Back to Bedok Res' Home on a Sunday morning.
Lovely routine.
Too precious to give up for yet another tuition assignment :)
Time spent at home with family is priceless.

Since leaving the service, my aim was to live life.
As tuition classes' slots are filling up fast and filled,
I'm feeling overworked!
Turned down quite a few 1-to-1 assignments.
Filled up current classes.
I think I've enough kids :)
I don't need to earn tens of thousands a month.
I need to make sure every kid is getting what they deserve from me
and what I can give to the max.
There is a limit to how much I can do also :)
I do not want to shortchange them.

Sunday mornings are totally precious to me.
Time spent with family.
Mondays are totally precious to me.
Time with Laogong.
I do not want to shortchange them.

I can fill up many many other assignments and leave myself with no life but a significant income.
What's the point then?
Coming back from Bangkok, visited Nakhon Pathom, spent time with important friends,
Laogong and I sort of have some slight change in vision.
Some sort of an enlightenment.
Life must not be wasted speeding past.
I do not want to wait till I'm 50 years old before I regret or start going,
" I should have .."
There is never too much time.

Too precious.

Extract from Leo Bahauta and his 10 rules to slow down:
Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.
1. Do less
2. Be present
3. Disconnect
4. Focus on people
5. Appreciate nature
6. Eat slower
7. Drive slower
8. Find pleasure in anything
9. Single-task
10. Breathe

Extract from Keith C. Heidron - his life seasons and 10 ways to slow down:
There are likely many more ways by which you can slow your life down. A simple hammock and a warm summer day for a nap, an intimate conversation, telling stories to children, the list can go on and on. The main point is to slow down. The world can function without you for a little while. And no one is truly indispensable. If they were, we wouldn't have elections every few years.
1. Do One Thing At A Time
2. Breathe
3. Sit Quietly, Do Nothing
4. Listen To Music
5. Take A Walk
6. Take A Bath
7. Read
8. Play Like A Child
9. Be Creative
10. Seek Your Spirituality

Some overlaps in their viewpoints.
Ultimately, personally, I think, many things, (if not all) is a choice in life :)
If I want to do it, I can ...

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