It was crazy ...
Despite the busy week in school,
everyday was crazy wrapping back home ...
With more than 200 presents to wrap,
it was madness.
And ... Finally ...
The Big Day ...
The rain came and went ...
Well, be glad and thankful for what is given ...
Luckily, the sun was out in the morning while we were preparing for the event and I managed to get a tan :)
The rain came (well, it is The Water Family's party, of course water is expected) and the kids had their chance at muddy fields, catching grasshoppers and crickets.
The rain left and the kids managed to run around and play.
The rain left and the kids managed to go home after presents-giving.
The rain came while we were clearning up and with no joggers, we managed to drive up the park to get things packed up!
Everything happen for a reason,
instead of grumbling,
be thankful for what has happened and rejoice in it :)
Life is about thinking how you want it and not about thinking why is it bad :)
Dear's asleep.
He have been tired for a long time preparing for the party.
And finally, tomorrow is a '5th week'.
No lessons!
We can sleep till 'zi ran xing' (naturally awake).
I'm tired but knowing that I do not have to wake up at 7 am tomorrow,
I do not want to sleep.
I want to surf the net.
I want to watch TV.
I want to read my book.
I want to tidy the room (maybe not today).
More updates on my new found relatives ...
I shall have an entry for it ...